Time Limit: 1 seconds
Memory Limit: 128 MB
Rating: 800
Problem StatementKwanha set up a bomb to explode in 90 minutes from time $HH:MM$. Given two integers $HH$ and $MM$, output when his bomb will explode.
InputThe first line has two space-separated integers $HH$ and $MM$. $0 \le HH < 24$ $0 \le MM < 60$
OutputOutput the time in which his bomb will explode. Omit any leading zeroes and separate the hour and minute using a space.
Sample CasesSample Input 1: 15 30 Sample Output 1: 17 0 Sample Input 2: 23 30 Sample Output 2: 1 0Explanation
For the first test case, 90 minutes after 15:30 is 17:00.
SourcesIanOJ Contest #1 (Div. 3) > Problem A
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