Time Limit: 1 seconds
Memory Limit: 128 MB
Rating: 1500
Problem StatementAlice is playing a game of Tag with Bob, and Bob was faced with the choice of either getting tagged, or jumping into a pool with crocodiles. Bob decided to jump in. You are given an integer $N$ $(1 \le N \le 1000)$ and an $N \cdot N$ matrix of characters, consisting of ‘B’ for Bob’s starting cell, ‘G’ for the goal cell, ‘C’ for cells with crocodiles, ‘\$’ for any cells with money, and ‘O’ for any safe cells. Bob may enter cells marked with ‘B’, ‘G’, ‘\$’ and ‘O’, but if he enters a cell marked with ‘C’, he dies. When he enters a cell with ‘\$’, his balance increases by 1 dollar but the ‘\$’ cell immediately turns into a ‘O’ cell. He starts with 0 dollars. Output the maximum possible balance Bob can obtain, with his position ending at the goal cell. If he can’t reach the goal cell without dying, output ‘-1’.
InputThe first line has integer $N$. The next $N$ lines contain information about the matrix describing the pool.
OutputOutput Bob's final balance if he can survive, or '-1' if he dies even while making optimal decisions.
Sample CasesSample Input 1: 6 OOOGCC OOOOOO CCC$$C COOO$O $CCOOO COOOOB Sample Output 1: 3Explanation
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SourcesIanOJ Contest #1 (Div. 3) > Problem D
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